Rose Quartz Crystal Ball, 1.5 in. – Shelly Crag Imports

Rose Quartz Crystal Ball, 1.5 in.

Regular price $45.00

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Rose quartz shaped into a smooth sphere.  Crystal and stone spheres are well known for having been used as meditation and divination aides.  We recommend ordering a display stand with this item.
Rose quartz is a silicate mineral mass with inclusions of dumortierite, which give the stone the characteristic rosy pink hue, and very rarely a chatoyancy sometimes manifested as asterism (star pattern reflection).  Occasionally may be pleochroic, i.e., will change color at different viewing angles in polarized light. Rose quartz also can be found as crystal points with inclusions of phosphorous, and this variety may also be sold as pink quartz.
As you gaze into the rose quartz sphere, you might recall its historical significance as the Love Stone, or use it as a focal aide for meditating on compassion, tenderness, or self forgiveness.  The stone has been believed to evoke feelings of love, calm clarity, emotional balance, countering traumatic stimuli by returning to a calmer baseline, peace and love in relationships, openness to appreciating the humanities (art, music, literature, performance), imagination, and creativity. If you happen to be a practitioner of chakra balancing, here’s what Melody's Love Is In The Earth says about rose quartz:
"It emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self-love.  It provides the message that there is no need for haste in any situation, bringing calmness and clarity to the emotions and restoring the mind to harmony after chaotic or crisis situations….  It has been known as a 'stone of gentle love', bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships.  It promotes receptivity to the beauty of art, music, and the written word, enlivening imagination, and representing a young, warm love."
Diameter:  40 mm / approx. 1.5 in. Approx. wt.: 3 oz.